Improving life after trauma in Cumbria

Trauma Informed Cumbria is a not for profit partnership improving organisational responses to trauma across Cumbria.

Our mission is to create a movement of change amongst Cumbrian professionals, raising awareness of trauma and improving everyone’s response, through partnership working and sharing best practice.

What are trauma-informed services?

Psychological trauma can cause lasting negative impact to individuals and communities. This impairs their ability to recover, feel safe and to develop trusted relationships with local services and organisations.

Developing a trauma-informed service involves increasing staff awareness of these issues. The aim is to create culturally sensitive and safe services, that people trust and want to use.

The benefits

Being trauma-informed ensures your organisation is more likely to:

  • Provide quality services that are effective, with high levels of engagement and postive outcomes.

  • Provide services that do not re-traumatise, in a safe environment.

  • Empower trauma survivors, supporting them on their journey to wellbeing.

  • Build a culture of empathy, closing the gap between service users and staff.

Start your trauma-informed journey today…

“Excellent speakers. Exciting to be part of a
trauma-informed county.”

— Delegate from Trauma Informed Cumbria Conference 2022